What is Li-Fi technology

What is Li-Fi technology ?

Li-Fi vs WI-FI

                                                                         Li-Fi is son of Wi-FI ,Yes ! it is going to change our daily life soon and we will be used to it maybe after 2018 or 2020. 
Now you guys should have seen many posts,stories based on Li-Fi and also news reports on it are going very popular . Everybody knows that Li-Fi is faster than Wi-Fi by using a electric bulb and has many questions about it .

So here we are with everything we could collect so let me help to break this tough ice by reading the bellow text ...

What is Li-Fi ?

Li-Fi is a bidirectional, high speed and fully networked wireless communication technology similar to Wi-Fi. Coined by Prof. Harald Haas,

Who invented this Li-Fi ?

Li-Fi is invented or to say originated by Harald Haas who is a German Physicist.The idea of transmitting data through the visible light spectrum is not new. Alexander Graham Bell transmitted sound via a beam of sunlight in 1880 using a photophone, a sort of solar-powered wireless telephone. In the past several decades, a number of researchers have looked at using visible light to transmit data.In the month of November 2015 it was successfully tested by Estonian start up Velnenni by using light bulbs.

How will this work ?

It is wireless and uses visible light communication or infra-red and near ultraviolet (instead of radio frequency waves) spectrum, part of optical wireless communications technology, which carries much more information, and has been proposed as a solution to the RF-bandwidth limitations. A complete solution includes an industry led standardization process.

Know more about  - R-F bandwidth limitations

Difference between Wi-Fi and Li-Fi ?

As you all know about Wi-Fi we will talk about Li-Fi so ,
It uses 10000 times larger stuff than Wi-Fi (It uses visible spectrum which is bigger than radio waves used by Wi-Fi).

Durability of Li-Fi ?

Li-Fi is more durable than Wi-Fi because of the size of visible spectrum which is 10000 times bigger than radio waves which is used by Wi-Fi

Drawbacks of Li-Fi ?

Yes ! everything in this world comes with a drawback . As you all know the light from the bulbs cannot pass or go throughout the walls and so does the Li-Fi because they both uses the same technology or mechanism to say . But this drawback will also make Li-Fi network safer than Wi-Fi .

How fast is it actually ?

Because of the bigger size and faster speed than Wi-Fi it may give upto 10 GBPS (Hell Yeah !)

What will happen to our old mobile phones after Li-Fi ?

To be honest I am not sure about it . It might work on our old smartphones because it uses the same 802.11 protocol (Used by Wi-Fi) . It might not because maybe then we need new receivers into our smartphones to communicate with these new waves.

Video on Li-Fi 

Verdict - 

This new technology is looking forward to change our routine of connecting Wi-Fi in the morning or using it up all night but change is good and this technology (Li-Fi) is a big step towards evolution and I hope that it will be faster than the women's gossip because poor Wi-Fi is slow.

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