Fitbit Charge HR : Review

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After the success of our Sennheiser HD 598 SE over ear headphones review we are presenting you a review by a user "Namaste" , He is a verified user of Fitbit Charge HR 

I was lucky enough to have received the Fitbit Charge HR at a discounted price from Amazon. In 2015 wearable technology has been the craze. I've been using the Fitbit Flex for almost an year. The Flex by far was the most convenient one to use. But the Flex does have it's limitations and issues with the battery. So when the Charge HR was announced, I was extremely excited to see what it can provide. Compared to the Flex, it is twice the thickness and the strap is now a buckle. So far I've been impressed with the results of the Charge HR. I'll list the pros and cons.


Auto Sleep Log: Much more convenient than having to start and stop on the Flex. I don't always fall asleep when I logged it with the Flex so having the Charge HR start it when I actually fall asleep is great.

Logging Exercise: I love the ability to log each workout session. With the Flex I felt that my strength training sessions were lost because they weren't constant hand swinging movements. I can also better track how long my workout sessions were. This leads into my next pro.

HR Monitor:
The HR Monitor is a constant and checks your resting heart rate vs when you are active. This is great for calculating your caloric burn and if you want to see where your fat burning zone is. I think this provides a great tool to track your workouts more accurately.

Stair Counter:
This is a great motivator to take the stairs. I was taking the stairs with the Flex but it didn't capture that accurately. I go up 6 flights of stairs to my office at least 3 times a day and would like credit for that.
Caller ID:
This is a good function to have but for me it's not a deal breaker. But if you are like me and keep your phone on silent, it is always good to have something on your hand vibrate when you get a call. It takes a second or so to get the notification, but it's useful to have.

Now for the Cons or areas of improvement.


The buckle on the strap feels cheap. It's suppose to be surgical steel but feels more like hard plastic. Having to put the Charge HR an inch above the wrist can be annoying. I think it would be a little better to have the heart rate monitor on the underside of the wrist where you would feel your pulse.
The best thing that Fitbit can do is to have a better charging mechanism. If they can allow it's devices to wirelessly charge, that would be great. That would be a huge plus because you don't have to mess with plugs. Just place it on the plate and let it charge. This a great feature with the Moto 360 and makes it so much easier to have multiple charging plates at home, in the office and in my travel bag.

The last thing that I would expect from Fitibit is a better instruction manual. With the new added features of the Charge HR, I would like to maximize the use. Luckily I was able to figure things out quickly, but for the people who are not as tech savy might get frustrated trying to go through the functions. Of course the app is great and it's even better that it syncs with MyFitnessPal.

Overall I think the Charge HR is a great step up from the Flex and sits on the same level as other advanced wearables. I think it's worth the investment and would be a great gift for someone who plans to get into shape. I'm a strong believer that you need to track in order to get the results that you want. For the average person; If you don't know what you did today, you won't be able to progress tomorrow.

With a proper diet, Fitbit has helped me lose 3 kgs in 2 weeks already. Seeing what my results was a great motivator....
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